guidelines for applying for foundation scholarships:
The Foundation may award scholarships in the amount of $500 per semester for part-time students (at least 6 credit hours) and $1,000 per semester for full-time students (at least 12 credit hours) based on the following merits:
All applicants must possess minimum 2.000 GPA on high school or college work.
Student is or will be enrolled in 12 credit hours (full-time) or minimum 6 credit hours (part time) at BPCC.
Certain scholarships listed below may have additional criteria.
Procedures for applying for Foundation Scholarships:
Applicant must submit all required information and documents online at by the deadline (August 5 for Fall semester; December or January TBD for Spring semester).
Scholarship committee reviews applications.
Foundation will notify applicants/recipients via email or telephone.
Foundation will notify Financial Aid Office and the respective departments of recipients.
annual scholarships
The BPCC Foundation offers approximately 25 annual scholarships.
Division of Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics
Annie Lowe Stiles Scholarship for Oil & Gas (Community Foundation of North Louisiana)
Gene Haas Scholarship
Mendenhall Family Foundation Scholarship
Valveworks Oil & Gas Production, Industrial Technology, & Advanced Welding Scholarship
Expand Energy Scholarship
Division of Nursing & Allied Health
ANECA Margaret Beauclair Walker Memorial Scholarship
NBRC Scholarship in Respiratory Health
Louisiana Healthcare Connections Equity in Health & Care Scholarship
Division of Business & Information Technology
Danny Cannon Award for Culinary Excellence
Sybil Stamper Education & Business Award*
Division of Arts, Humanities, & Social Sciences
Sybil Stamper Education & Business Award*
Gerry Lyons Memorial Scholarship
Darla Logan Memorial Scholarship
Stephen W. Slaughter Memorial Scholarship
Non-Specific to Area of Study
Achieving Success Through Education Award in Honor of Dr. James B. Henderson
Atkins Family Scholarship Fund for Barksdale AFB Military Personnel
Kenneth A. Black Memorial Scholarship
BPCC Foundation Scholarship
Capital One Bank Scholarship for First Generation College Students
Chancellor’s Student Scholarship
Margaret Fowler Covington Scholarship
Christine LeGrand Memorial Scholarship
Southern Farm Bureau Life Insurance Co. Scholarship in Honor of Bryan Mitchell
Sgt. Craig Nelson Memorial Scholarship for Airline High School Students
Essie Mae Winfield Memorial Scholarship
An asterisk (*) next to a scholarship indicates it applies to more than one area of study.
endowed scholarships
The BPCC Foundation offers 3 endowed scholarships.
Division of Nursing & Allied Health
Matthew Burroughs Award for Excellence in Healthcare
Division of Arts, Humanities, & Social Sciences
Captain Robert P. Jones Memorial Endowed Scholarship in Criminal Justice
Non-Specific to Area of Study
Rusty Moss Endowed Memorial Scholarship (BPCC Natchitoches)
endowed scholarships (board of regents)
The BPCC Foundation offers 37 endowed scholarships in partnership with the State of Louisiana Board of Regents.
Division of Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics
BPCC Foundation Endowed Scholarship in Engineering
LCEF Endowed Scholarship for Construction Pathway Programs
Red Ball Oxygen Endowed Scholarship for Advanced Welding & Manufacturing
AEP Foundation Endowed Workforce Scholarship in STEM Transfer
Robert L. Byles Memorial Endowed Workforce Scholarship in Electrical Technology (Sabine Valley Campus)
Louisiana State Contractor’s Licensing Board Endowed Scholarship in Construction Crafts
Division of Nursing & Allied Health
Albert Earl Lyons Endowed Scholarship in Nursing
Endowed Scholarship for the Associate of Science in Nursing
Dr. Joe D. May Endowed Scholarship for Associate of Science in Nursing
Curt Eysink Endowed Scholarship in Allied Health
BREMCO Endowed Scholarship in Nursing
Bossier Volunteers Guild Endowed Scholarship
Jayma LeeAnn Ware Memorial Scholarship (Paramedic/EMT)
WoodmenLife Chapter 54 of Louisiana Endowed Scholarship in Allied Health
John & Joanna Magale Endowed Scholarship in Allied Health
Michael H. Woods Endowed Scholarship in Nursing
Bossier Healthcare Foundation Endowed Scholarship in Allied Health
Barbara R. & Rickey L. Jones Endowed Scholarship in Health Sciences
Louisiana Healthcare Connections Endowed Scholarship in Allied Health
Division of Business & Information Technology
Citizens National Bank / John R. McConathy Endowed Scholarship in Business
WoodmenLife Chapter 54 of Louisiana Endowed Scholarship in Business
Brookshire’s / Super One Foods Endowed Scholarship in CIS (Cybersecurity)
Endowed Scholarship for the Associate of Applied Science in Cyber Technology
Endowed Scholarship for the Associate of Applied Science in Computer Information Systems
BPCC Foundation Endowed Scholarship in Business for Student Athletes
Non-Specific to Area of Study
Capital One Endowed Scholarship for First Generation College Students (2)
Michael H. Woods Endowed Scholarship for First Generation College Students (5)
Dr. Douglas Peterson Endowed Scholarship for First Generation College Students
John & Joanna Magale Endowed Scholarship for First Generation College Students (4)